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Client name: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd
Location: Port Headland, WA
Duration: 2015 – 2017
Key features:
- Ground vibration on nearby sub-station
- Dust mitigation
- Safety
- Adjacent to occupied office buildings
- Asbestos
- Nearby operational plant
- Possible cyclone during works
- Hydrocarbon ground contamination
Tertiary Crushing Building 1 Demolition
Tetra Tech Proteus were engaged to undertake a study phase to evaluate the options for demolition of a wide steel frame structure, encompassing large columns and beams holding significant internal equipment. Area of structure: 40m x 120m x 30m.
Evaluation criteria was developed and each option ranked accordingly. An optimised ‘without study’ was undertaken to determine a ranking of a ‘do-nothing option’.
The recommendation to demolish was undertaken to detailed design and execution.
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