Safety is at the core of our culture.
Our Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Security (HSEQ) management system provides our people with the tools to keep them safe, no matter where in the world they are working. It recognises that a safe work environment is not just essential for our people, but also for our clients and stakeholders.
The management of the Tetra Tech Proteus HSEQ system has been externally certified to meet the requirements of ISO45001:2018 and AS/NZS4801:2001 for occupational health and safety management systems and ISO14001:2015 for environmental management systems. These certifications require a continual improvement focus on the way we conduct our activities and help assure our people and clients that we will strive to be injury- and incident-free.
Tetra Tech Proteus’ HSEQ policy has been endorsed by the CEO, and outlines our commitment, responsibilities and expectations to ensure a safe workplace for our people and an environmentally aware culture.
We track lead and lag indicators to assess our HSEQ performance. Our lead indicators include near miss and observation reporting., and our lag indicators include lost time and total recordable injuries. We strive for incremental improvement in all our indicators by reporting and assessing them every month.
Read more about Tetra Tech’s commitment to health and safety